The Micro-Cosmic Orbit
By John Robertson - mp3 downloads
The Micro-Cosmic Orbit is one of the most important Qigong practices there is.
Without achieving this, all other practices are in vain.
Be guided through the 3 skills needed to lay the foundation in order to be able to successfully practice the Micro-Cosmic Orbit:
Embryonic Breathing
Opening the Three Passes
Swallowing Saliva
Then choose one of 4 variations on the practice:
Guided Breath
Bagua Points
All points
So Joo Chun
Each practice come with a guided entry & exit, has deeply relaxing background music
and theta waves to help promote relaxation and focus.
Foundational practices:
Embryonic Breathing
Opening the Three Passes
Swallowing Saliva
Micro-Cosmic Orbit practices:
Breath Circulation
Bagua Points
Acupuncture Points
So Joo Chun
Product details
mp3 download
Audio: 7 audio files
Publisher: Finger at the Moon Publishing (5th August, 2023)
Language: English
ISBN-10: none
ISBN-13: none
Product Dimensions: up to 97.5MB
Shipping Weight: n/a
Purchasing options
$64 mp3 download
(taxes included)
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